Lucile Neale
Sophrologist certified
Practitioner in Cardiac Coherence
Brunstatt-Didenheim (68) & Mulhouse
06 64 80 77 35
Why practice Sophrology ?
Why practice cardiac coherence ?
Why practice Sophrology ?
I specialise in stress management with :
* Adults who feel overwhelmed by their stress, and who would like support in finding very practical tools to manage their day-to-day stress, calm their minds, regain control of their thoughts and feel more in control.
* Children and teenagers who want to find ways to manage certain emotions, or prepare for stressful deadlines (exams, driving tests, etc.).
In Simple terms, I will help you to :
Better manage your anxiety and stress,
Solve sleep problems, learn to sleep better,
Recover or develop your ability to concentrate,
Reconnect with your breathing, and Feel good in your body,
Prepare for an exam, a competition or a worrying operation,
Develop your optimism,
Dates des ateliers thématiques
Pole santé du Hasenrain (3ème étage ) : Max 4 participants
Samedi 01 Mars - 12h à 13h30 - Comprendre et réguler son niveau de stress
Samedi 05 Avril - 12h à 13h30 - Gérer sa surcharge mentale
Tarif : 35 euros / participants
Cours des arts de Brunstatt-Didenheim
Samedi 22 février 14h à 15h15 : Atelier parent - enfant
16h à 17h30 : Retrouver un sommeil de qualité
Tarif : 35 par binôme pour l'atelier parent/enfant
30 euros par personne pour l'atelier sommeil