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Why practice Sophrology ?

Why practice cardiac coherence  ? 

Groupe de soutien

Why practice Sophrology ?

I specialise in stress management with : 
Adults who feel overwhelmed by their stress, and who would like support in finding very practical tools to manage their day-to-day stress, calm their minds, regain control of their thoughts and feel more in control.

* Children and teenagers who want to find ways to manage certain emotions, or prepare for stressful deadlines (exams, driving tests, etc.).

In Simple terms, I will help you to : 

  • Better manage your anxiety and stress,

  • Solve sleep problems, learn to sleep better,

  • Recover or develop your ability to concentrate, 

  • Reconnect with your breathing, and Feel good in your body,

  • Prepare for an exam, a competition or a worrying operation, 

  • Develop your optimism,

Dates des ateliers thématiques


  • Pole santé du Hasenrain (3ème étage ) : Max 4 participants

Samedi 01 Mars - 12h à 13h30 - Comprendre et réguler son niveau de stress

Samedi 05 Avril - 12h à 13h30 - Gérer sa surcharge mentale

Tarif : 35 euros / participants 

  • Cours des arts de Brunstatt-Didenheim

Samedi 22 février 14h à 15h15 : Atelier parent - enfant ​

                           16h à 17h30 : Retrouver un sommeil de qualité 

Tarif :  35 par binôme pour l'atelier parent/enfant 

         30 euros par personne pour l'atelier sommeil

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